Requirements for?Qualification and Reference?of Bidder:
Requirements for Qualification of Bidder:
If the Bidder is domestic registered company,The bidder shall have the legal and valid business license of enterprise legal person, tax registration certificate and organization code certificate or the business license combined with the certificate and license. The scanned copy of the original shall be provided during bidding (the original copy for reference);If the bidder is an overseas registered company, it shall provide valid company registration certificate.
1.2 投标人所投产品的制造商须同时具备有效的GB/T19001(ISO9001)质量体系认证证书、GB/T24001(ISO14001)环境管理体系认证证书、GB/T28001(OHSAS18001)或GB/T45001 (ISO45001) 职业健康管理体系认证证书。如果有国家相关部门发布的最新体系标准,以最新体系标准为准。
The manufacturer of the bid product shall also have valid GB/T19001 (ISO9001) Quality System Certification, GB/T24001 (ISO14001) Environmental Management System Certification, GB/T28001(OHSAS18001) or GB/T45001 (ISO45001) Occupational Health Management System Certification Certificate. If there are the latest system standards issued by the relevant departments of the State, the latest system standards shall prevail.
Bidders can?be the manufacturers or Agents of the bidding equipment. If the bidder is the?Agent,the bidder shall obtain the manufacturer's consent to provide the product with the legal official authorization for the bid.
1.4 是否接受联合体投标:否
Accept consortium bid: No
1.5 未领取招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以
Not if Suppliers?can get the tender documents to participate in bidding: No
1.6 3C证书:对国家3C目录内的产品,本次投标产品的制造商必须取得对应类产品强制性产品认证(CCC认证)证书。投标人投标时需提供所投产品制造商的强制性产品认证(CCC认证)证书复印件,且证书在有效期内。
3C Certificate : For products in the national 3C catalogue, manufacturers of the bidding products must obtain the Mandatory Product Certification (CCC certification) certificate for the corresponding category of products. The bidder shall submit a copy of the mandatory Product Certification (CCC certification) certificate of the invested product manufacturer when , and the certificate is within the validity period.
1.7 防爆证书:投标人本次投标所投产品中的防爆电气电子产品必须取得国家指定防爆检验机构颁发的防爆合格证书。投标时需提供原件扫描件(原件备查)。
Explosion-proof certificate: The bidder must obtain the explosion-proof certificate issued by the national designated explosion-proof inspection institution for the explosion-proof electrical and electronic products in the bid. The scanned copy of the original shall be provided at the time of bidding (the original copy for reference).
Requirements for Bidder's Reference
From January 1, 2012 to the bid deadline (subject to the signing date of the contract), the manufacturer of the product submitted by the bidder has supplied 1 expansion/recompressor for each of 2 olefin projects (including ethylene projects) in the petrochemical industry. And all meet the technical requirements of inlet flow not less than 21000Nm3/h (maximum working condition), inlet pressure not less than 3MPa (maximum working condition), inlet temperature below -98℃ (maximum working condition), conveying medium low temperature olefin, bearing type magnetic bearing.
The bidder shall submit the performance form in the prescribed format and the relevant performance proof documents. Performance certificates include but are not limited to: 1) Copies Of Sales Contracts (including relevant technical attachments)2) Arrival And Acceptance Certificates. The performance certification documents submitted by the bidder must at least reflect the following contents: contract signing time, manufacturer name, goods name, project name, bearing type, conveying medium, inlet flow, temperature and pressure under maximum working condition and arrival acceptance materials.
If no performance certification documents are submitted, or the performance certification documents provided cannot reflect the time of signing of the contract, the name of the manufacturer, the name of the goods, the name of the project, the bearing type, the conveying medium, the inlet flow, temperature and pressure under the maximum working condition and the arrival and acceptance materials, it shall be deemed as invalid performance.?
序号 | 产品名称 | 数量 | 简要技术规格 | 备注 |
1 | 甲烷膨胀再压缩机 | 1套 | 见技术规格书 |
Requirements for?Qualification and Reference?of Bidder:
Requirements for Qualification of Bidder:
If the Bidder is domestic registered company,The bidder shall have the legal and valid business license of enterprise legal person, tax registration certificate and organization code certificate or the business license combined with the certificate and license. The scanned copy of the original shall be provided during bidding (the original copy for reference);If the bidder is an overseas registered company, it shall provide valid company registration certificate.
1.2 投标人所投产品的制造商须同时具备有效的GB/T19001(ISO9001)质量体系认证证书、GB/T24001(ISO14001)环境管理体系认证证书、GB/T28001(OHSAS18001)或GB/T45001 (ISO45001) 职业健康管理体系认证证书。如果有国家相关部门发布的最新体系标准,以最新体系标准为准。
The manufacturer of the bid product shall also have valid GB/T19001 (ISO9001) Quality System Certification, GB/T24001 (ISO14001) Environmental Management System Certification, GB/T28001(OHSAS18001) or GB/T45001 (ISO45001) Occupational Health Management System Certification Certificate. If there are the latest system standards issued by the relevant departments of the State, the latest system standards shall prevail.
Bidders can?be the manufacturers or Agents of the bidding equipment. If the bidder is the?Agent,the bidder shall obtain the manufacturer's consent to provide the product with the legal official authorization for the bid.
1.4 是否接受联合体投标:否
Accept consortium bid: No
1.5 未领取招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以
Not if Suppliers?can get the tender documents to participate in bidding: No
1.6 3C证书:对国家3C目录内的产品,本次投标产品的制造商必须取得对应类产品强制性产品认证(CCC认证)证书。投标人投标时需提供所投产品制造商的强制性产品认证(CCC认证)证书复印件,且证书在有效期内。
3C Certificate : For products in the national 3C catalogue, manufacturers of the bidding products must obtain the Mandatory Product Certification (CCC certification) certificate for the corresponding category of products. The bidder shall submit a copy of the mandatory Product Certification (CCC certification) certificate of the invested product manufacturer when , and the certificate is within the validity period.
1.7 防爆证书:投标人本次投标所投产品中的防爆电气电子产品必须取得国家指定防爆检验机构颁发的防爆合格证书。投标时需提供原件扫描件(原件备查)。
Explosion-proof certificate: The bidder must obtain the explosion-proof certificate issued by the national designated explosion-proof inspection institution for the explosion-proof electrical and electronic products in the bid. The scanned copy of the original shall be provided at the time of bidding (the original copy for reference).
Requirements for Bidder's Reference
From January 1, 2012 to the bid deadline (subject to the signing date of the contract), the manufacturer of the product submitted by the bidder has supplied 1 expansion/recompressor for each of 2 olefin projects (including ethylene projects) in the petrochemical industry. And all meet the technical requirements of inlet flow not less than 21000Nm3/h (maximum working condition), inlet pressure not less than 3MPa (maximum working condition), inlet temperature below -98℃ (maximum working condition), conveying medium low temperature olefin, bearing type magnetic bearing.
The bidder shall submit the performance form in the prescribed format and the relevant performance proof documents. Performance certificates include but are not limited to: 1) Copies Of Sales Contracts (including relevant technical attachments)2) Arrival And Acceptance Certificates. The performance certification documents submitted by the bidder must at least reflect the following contents: contract signing time, manufacturer name, goods name, project name, bearing type, conveying medium, inlet flow, temperature and pressure under maximum working condition and arrival acceptance materials.
If no performance certification documents are submitted, or the performance certification documents provided cannot reflect the time of signing of the contract, the name of the manufacturer, the name of the goods, the name of the project, the bearing type, the conveying medium, the inlet flow, temperature and pressure under the maximum working condition and the arrival and acceptance materials, it shall be deemed as invalid performance.?
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