1. 招标条件
Bidding Conditions:
项目概况:招标人购买1套燃气透平发电机组,每台燃气透平发电机组净输出功率不小于10000kWe ( 36.2℃@EL. +36m,相对湿度:30%~100%)。
Project Summary:1 set of GAS TURBINE GENERATOR PACKAGE will be acquired by the Tenderee, and each gas turbine generator net output electrical power would be not less than 10000KWe(fuel gas) at the site condition( 36.2℃@EL.+36m, Relative humidity: 30%~100%).
Source of Funds: Yes
Description of Prepared Bidding Conditions: Yes
2. 招标内容:Bidding Contents:
数量:1 套
Quantity: 1 set
每台燃气透平发电机组现场天然气工况下净输出功率不小于10000kWe ( 36.2℃@EL. +36m,相对湿度:30%~100%)。
Main Specifications:
Each gas turbine generator net output electrical power would be not less than 10000KWe(fuel gas) at the site condition( 36.2℃@EL.+36m, Relative humidity: 30%~100%).
Delivery Schedule:
For goods offered from within PRC customs territory: on or before 20th March, 2024 (arrival date to the Construction Site of Tianjin or otherdesignated places).
For goods offered from outside PRC customs territory: on or before 15th March, 2024. ( CIF Tianjing or other designated places Seaport).
如果交货期超过基础 4 周,则视为非响应性投标而予以否决。
The bid document will be rejected if the delivery date is 4 weeks later than the basic time.
3. 对投标人的资格和业绩要求:
Requirements for Qualification and reference of Bidder:
Requirements for Qualification of Bidder
A.The bidder within the customs territory shall provide valid independent legal person business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate, or combined certificate and business license;
The bidder outside the customs territory shall provide valid certificate to prove valid business registration certificate.
B. 制造商应通过ISO9001(或GB/T19001)质量体系认证。投标人须提供制造商有效的质量体系认证证书;
B. The manufacturer of the Bid Goods shall pass Quality Management System Certification ISO9001(or GB/T19001)Certification. Bidder shall provide valid Certificate of Quality Management System Certification of manufacturer.
C. Agents are not allowed to bid for domestic products, and agents are allowed to bid for overseas products. If the bidder is an agent, bidder shall obtain the legal and only formal authorization from the manufacturer of the goods to provide the goods for this bidding. (see Form-IV-9-4 in Volume One).
D. 是否接受联合体投标:是
Joint Venture: Accepted
联合体投标人应提供联合体协议书。联合体各方需要明确各自承担的工作内容,并按照各自承担的内容进行业绩和相关资质的评审。未明确的工作将按照联合体各方中的最低业绩和资质进行评审。联合体投标还应满足以下要求: 一、联合体应以一个投标人的身份共同投标。联合体各方均应具备承担招标项目的相应能力。由同一专业的单位组成的联合体,按照资质等级较低的单位确定资质等级。联合体各方应当签订共同投标协议,明确约定各方拟承担的工作和责任,并将共同投标协议连同投标文件一并提交招标人。联合体中标的,联合体各方应当共同与招标人签订合同,就中标项目向招标人承担连带责任; 二、联合体由牵头人负责与招标方联系,由牵头人代表联合体负责购买招标文件、上传投标文件;联合体应严格按照招标文件的各项要求,切实执行一切合同文件,共同承担合同约定的一切义务和责任,同时按照内部划分的职责,各自承担自身的责任和风险; 三、联合体投标保证金由联合体牵头人提交。投标保证金对联合体各方均具有约束力。
E. 未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以
Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available
(2)业绩要求Requirement for Bidder's reference:
a) 2013年1月至投标截止日(以合同签署为准),投标人所投的燃气透平应具有至少1个项目(每个项目至少一台且满足净输出功率不小于10000kWe ,与本次投标货物相同规格型号)的供货业绩,;2013年1月至投标截止日(以合同签署为准),投标人投标的发电机应具有至少1个项目(每个项目至少一台,与本次所投燃气透平相同规格型号)配套使用的供货业绩。
Since January 1, 2013 (date of contract) to the date of bid opening, the Gas Turbine (the same product model as the prime motor) that VENDOR supplied should have at least 1 projects (at least 1 gas turbine generator for each project) performance. And since January 1, 2013 (date of contract) to the date of bid opening, the generator used by the bidder in this bidding should have at least 1 projects (at least 1 gas turbine generator for each project) matching supply performance with the gas turbine (with the same specification and model) being used in this bidding.
b) 如投标人无法满足上一条业绩要求,投标人所投产品在投标前获得中国海洋石油集团有限公司备案的首次工程应用管理认定,提供签字盖章的《首次工程应用管理认定申请审批表》证明文件,可视同满足上一条业绩条件。
If the bidder cannot meet the requirements of the one above this clause ,the bidder shall obtain the first project application management certification before bidding which approved by CNOOC China Ltd. The signed and sealed certification document of 《Approval form of application for management identification of first engineering application of major technologies and products》can be provided as same as meeting requirements of the one above this clause.
c) 已纳入中国海洋石油集团有限公司三新三化清单且提供相应产品的供应商,其业绩视为满足本招标项目要求(不受上述a条业绩要求的限制)。
The performance of suppliers providing similar products that have been included in the "Three New Three Industrialization List" of CNOOC China Ltd shall be deemed to meet the requirements of the bidding project (not subject to the performance requirements of Section a above).
The Bidder shall furnish reference List in given form, and provide corresponding documentary evidence. The documentary evidence shall include but not limited to: 1) copies of sales contract (including technical appendix) and 2) Receiving certificate of arrival of goods. The reference evidence certification furnished by Bidder shall as least demonstrate the content show as follows: Date of signing contract, name of manufacturer, name of Goods, name of project, technical requirements and Arrival acceptance materials (including arrival receipt, commissioning qualification certificate, etc.)
If no documentary evidence furnished, or documentary evidence furnished can not demonstrate Date of signing Contract, name of manufacturer, name of Goods, name of project, technical requirements and receiving certificate of arrival of goods, the relevant reference will be deemed invalid.
Bidders need to promise the gas turbine generator package shall be designed, manufactured, certified and tested in accordance with the requirements of Safety Rules for Offshore Fixed Platform Issued by State Economic & Trade Commission. PRC(SETC). Supplier shall at his own cost arrange inspection and obtain inspection compliance certificate of The Gas turbine generator Package (include outside affiliated equipment of the dual fuel turbine generator Package)from one of the certifying agencies authorized by COOOSO, which are ABSDNVCCSBV.
4. 有兴趣的投标人可通过以下方式获取招标文件:从2023年8月1开始至2023年8月2止购买招标文件。
Bidding Conditions:
项目概况:招标人购买1套燃气透平发电机组,每台燃气透平发电机组净输出功率不小于10000kWe ( 36.2℃@EL. +36m,相对湿度:30%~100%)。
Project Summary:1 set of GAS TURBINE GENERATOR PACKAGE will be acquired by the Tenderee, and each gas turbine generator net output electrical power would be not less than 10000KWe(fuel gas) at the site condition( 36.2℃@EL.+36m, Relative humidity: 30%~100%).
Source of Funds: Yes
Description of Prepared Bidding Conditions: Yes
2. 招标内容:Bidding Contents:
数量:1 套
Quantity: 1 set
每台燃气透平发电机组现场天然气工况下净输出功率不小于10000kWe ( 36.2℃@EL. +36m,相对湿度:30%~100%)。
Main Specifications:
Each gas turbine generator net output electrical power would be not less than 10000KWe(fuel gas) at the site condition( 36.2℃@EL.+36m, Relative humidity: 30%~100%).
Delivery Schedule:
For goods offered from within PRC customs territory: on or before 20th March, 2024 (arrival date to the Construction Site of Tianjin or otherdesignated places).
For goods offered from outside PRC customs territory: on or before 15th March, 2024. ( CIF Tianjing or other designated places Seaport).
如果交货期超过基础 4 周,则视为非响应性投标而予以否决。
The bid document will be rejected if the delivery date is 4 weeks later than the basic time.
3. 对投标人的资格和业绩要求:
Requirements for Qualification and reference of Bidder:
Requirements for Qualification of Bidder
A.The bidder within the customs territory shall provide valid independent legal person business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate, or combined certificate and business license;
The bidder outside the customs territory shall provide valid certificate to prove valid business registration certificate.
B. 制造商应通过ISO9001(或GB/T19001)质量体系认证。投标人须提供制造商有效的质量体系认证证书;
B. The manufacturer of the Bid Goods shall pass Quality Management System Certification ISO9001(or GB/T19001)Certification. Bidder shall provide valid Certificate of Quality Management System Certification of manufacturer.
C. Agents are not allowed to bid for domestic products, and agents are allowed to bid for overseas products. If the bidder is an agent, bidder shall obtain the legal and only formal authorization from the manufacturer of the goods to provide the goods for this bidding. (see Form-IV-9-4 in Volume One).
D. 是否接受联合体投标:是
Joint Venture: Accepted
联合体投标人应提供联合体协议书。联合体各方需要明确各自承担的工作内容,并按照各自承担的内容进行业绩和相关资质的评审。未明确的工作将按照联合体各方中的最低业绩和资质进行评审。联合体投标还应满足以下要求: 一、联合体应以一个投标人的身份共同投标。联合体各方均应具备承担招标项目的相应能力。由同一专业的单位组成的联合体,按照资质等级较低的单位确定资质等级。联合体各方应当签订共同投标协议,明确约定各方拟承担的工作和责任,并将共同投标协议连同投标文件一并提交招标人。联合体中标的,联合体各方应当共同与招标人签订合同,就中标项目向招标人承担连带责任; 二、联合体由牵头人负责与招标方联系,由牵头人代表联合体负责购买招标文件、上传投标文件;联合体应严格按照招标文件的各项要求,切实执行一切合同文件,共同承担合同约定的一切义务和责任,同时按照内部划分的职责,各自承担自身的责任和风险; 三、联合体投标保证金由联合体牵头人提交。投标保证金对联合体各方均具有约束力。
E. 未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以
Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available
(2)业绩要求Requirement for Bidder's reference:
a) 2013年1月至投标截止日(以合同签署为准),投标人所投的燃气透平应具有至少1个项目(每个项目至少一台且满足净输出功率不小于10000kWe ,与本次投标货物相同规格型号)的供货业绩,;2013年1月至投标截止日(以合同签署为准),投标人投标的发电机应具有至少1个项目(每个项目至少一台,与本次所投燃气透平相同规格型号)配套使用的供货业绩。
Since January 1, 2013 (date of contract) to the date of bid opening, the Gas Turbine (the same product model as the prime motor) that VENDOR supplied should have at least 1 projects (at least 1 gas turbine generator for each project) performance. And since January 1, 2013 (date of contract) to the date of bid opening, the generator used by the bidder in this bidding should have at least 1 projects (at least 1 gas turbine generator for each project) matching supply performance with the gas turbine (with the same specification and model) being used in this bidding.
b) 如投标人无法满足上一条业绩要求,投标人所投产品在投标前获得中国海洋石油集团有限公司备案的首次工程应用管理认定,提供签字盖章的《首次工程应用管理认定申请审批表》证明文件,可视同满足上一条业绩条件。
If the bidder cannot meet the requirements of the one above this clause ,the bidder shall obtain the first project application management certification before bidding which approved by CNOOC China Ltd. The signed and sealed certification document of 《Approval form of application for management identification of first engineering application of major technologies and products》can be provided as same as meeting requirements of the one above this clause.
c) 已纳入中国海洋石油集团有限公司三新三化清单且提供相应产品的供应商,其业绩视为满足本招标项目要求(不受上述a条业绩要求的限制)。
The performance of suppliers providing similar products that have been included in the "Three New Three Industrialization List" of CNOOC China Ltd shall be deemed to meet the requirements of the bidding project (not subject to the performance requirements of Section a above).
The Bidder shall furnish reference List in given form, and provide corresponding documentary evidence. The documentary evidence shall include but not limited to: 1) copies of sales contract (including technical appendix) and 2) Receiving certificate of arrival of goods. The reference evidence certification furnished by Bidder shall as least demonstrate the content show as follows: Date of signing contract, name of manufacturer, name of Goods, name of project, technical requirements and Arrival acceptance materials (including arrival receipt, commissioning qualification certificate, etc.)
If no documentary evidence furnished, or documentary evidence furnished can not demonstrate Date of signing Contract, name of manufacturer, name of Goods, name of project, technical requirements and receiving certificate of arrival of goods, the relevant reference will be deemed invalid.
Bidders need to promise the gas turbine generator package shall be designed, manufactured, certified and tested in accordance with the requirements of Safety Rules for Offshore Fixed Platform Issued by State Economic & Trade Commission. PRC(SETC). Supplier shall at his own cost arrange inspection and obtain inspection compliance certificate of The Gas turbine generator Package (include outside affiliated equipment of the dual fuel turbine generator Package)from one of the certifying agencies authorized by COOOSO, which are ABSDNVCCSBV.
4. 有兴趣的投标人可通过以下方式获取招标文件:从2023年8月1开始至2023年8月2止购买招标文件。
- 款 付款指导
- 续 老会员下载续费申请表
- 新 新会员下载会员申请表
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- 客服电话:010-6880 9590
- 招投标项目咨询:微信扫码,咨询刘欣
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