Project name:Sydney Air Crew Hotel services(2nd) of China Postal Airlines
二、 招标编号Bidding number:CECOM-2024-BD02-0584
三、 招标内容Purchase content:
包号 packagesnumber |
采购内容 Purchase content |
预计数量 Estimated number |
单位 units |
1 |
机组住宿服务(含早) Accommodation for crew (including breakfast) |
2106 |
间·天 Rooms·day |
餐饮服务(午餐) Food Service (Lunch) |
2106 |
餐·人 Meals·person |
餐饮服务(晚餐) Food Service (Dinner) |
2106 |
餐·人 Meals·person |
2 |
车辆服务 Vehicle service |
300 |
趟 trip |
This project adopts the framework (no fixed/guaranteed amount) procurement mode. The supplier must quote for all contents. If there is any omission or quotation exceeding the ceiling price (unit price), the quotation will be invalid. The amount and quantity of this purchase are estimated data, and the purchaser has the right to adjust them according to the actual needs and settle them according to the actual quantity. The purchase quantity may increase or decrease during the contract period, and the fixed unit price will not be adjusted accordingly.
2. 趟:定义为单程;
Trip: defined as one way;
Service Location: Sydney
Contract duration: One year from the effective date of Agreement.
The price of food service is based on the company's fixed standards. The meal rates are $25 per person for lunch and $25 per person for dinner.
For details, please refer to Chapter 5 Technical (Service) Specifications.
四、 投标人资格条件Qualifications for bidders:
Bidders shall be registered in local government and with valid license; (applicable to packages 1 and 2);
Bidders that have been blacklisted by China Post Group Co.,Ltd. China Postal Express & Logistics Co.,Ltd and China Postal Airlines Co.,Ltd and are within the validity period are ineligible to participate in the procurement activities of this project; (applicable to Packages 1 and 2);
Those that have no investment relationship with the postal service and are in the following situations shall not participate in procurement activities: postal leaders, their relatives and other persons with specific relationships, postal employees holding shares (limited to non-listed companies), enterprises acting as legal persons, chairpersons, general managers and supervisors in their personal capacity (except for those appointed by the organization), as well as enterprises set up by trade unions belonging to the postal service or by the collective funding of employees; (applicable to packages 1 and 2);
Bidders must obtain the bidding documents for this project in accordance with the requirements of the tender notice for this project, otherwise they are not eligible to participate in the project. (Applicable to packages 1 and 2);
(五)投标人距离当地Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport国际机场候机楼车程在30分钟(含)以内;(仅适用于包1);
Bidder is within 30 minutes (inclusive) drive time from the local Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport International Airport Terminal; (applicable to package 1 only);
The bidder shall be equipped with a restaurant, which can provide breakfast, lunch and dinner services; (applicable to package 1 only);
(七)投标人须提供所在地Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport国际机场候机楼至酒店之间的往返交通服务。(仅适用于包2)
The bidder shall provide round-trip transportation between the Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport International Airport terminal at the location and the hotel.(applicable to package 2 only)
Note: Bidders are required to provide appropriate supporting documents according to the bidder's qualification conditions, article by article.
五、 投标人报名 Bidders Registration:
- 款 付款指导
- 续 老会员下载续费申请表
- 新 新会员下载会员申请表
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- 客服电话:010-6880 9590
- 招投标项目咨询:微信扫码,咨询刘欣
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