Project Name:Pudong New Area Youth Activity Center National Student Physical Health District Sampling Project
Budget No.:1524-00022901
预算金额(元):1260000元( 国库资金:1260000元;自筹资金:0元 )
Budget Amount(Yuan):1260000( National Treasury Funds: 1260000 Yuan; Self-raised Funds: 0 Yuan )
Maximum Price(Yuan):Package No.1 for 1260000.00 Yuan,
Procurement Requirements:
Package Name:Pudong New Area Youth Activity Center National Student Physical Health District Sampling Project
Budget Amount(Yuan):1260000.00
简要规格描述或项目基本概况介绍、用途:为认真贯彻落实中央 7 号文件《关于加强青少年体育增强青少年体质的意见》,进一步完善本区《国家学生体质健康标准》的 “监测—评估—反馈—干预—保障”闭环体系,提高本区体育课堂教学的实效性,拟通过公开招标的采购方式,选取第三方专业服务机构完成本区约21000名中小学生《国家学生体质健康标准》统一测试服务。本项目专门面向中小企业。具体项目内容、采购范围及所应达到的具体要求,以招标文件相应规定为准。
Brief specification description or basic overview of the project:In order to conscientiously implement the Central Committee Document No. 7 "Opinions on Strengthening Youth Sports and Enhancing Youth constitution," further improve the "monitoring-evaluation-Feed Back-intervention-guarantee" closed-loop system of the "National Student constitution Health Standards" in this district, and improve the effectiveness of physical education classroom teaching in this district, it is planned to adopt the procurement method of open bidding. A third-party professional service agency was selected to complete the unified testing service of the "National Student constitution and Health Standards" for about 21000 primary and secondary school students in the district. This project is specifically targeted at small and medium-sized enterprises. The specific project content, procurement scope and specific requirements to be met shall be subject to the corresponding provisions of the bidding documents.
The Contract Period:From the signing of contract to the overall completion of testing project.
Joint Bids: (NO)Available.
二、申请人的资格要求 2. Qualification Requirements for Bidder(a)满足《中华人民共和国政府采购法》第二十二条规定;
(a)Meet the provisions of Article 22 of the "Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China";
(b)Qualification requirements to be met to implement government procurement policies:This project is a procurement project with reserved shares, and the reserved share measures areoverall reservations (specifically for small and medium-sized enterprises)
(c)Specific qualification requirements for this program:(iii) If the unit leader is the same person or if there is a direct controlling or management relationship between different suppliers, they shall not participate in government procurement activities under the same contract; Suppliers who provide overall design, specification preparation, project management, supervision, testing and other services for procurement projects shall not participate in other procurement activities of the procurement project.
(iv) Branches established by legal persons and obtaining business licenses in accordance with the law shall be authorized by their legal persons to participate in government procurement activities. A legal entity and its branches, or different branches belonging to the same legal entity, shall not participate in government procurement activities under the same contract.
(i)Comply with the provisions of Article 22 of the"Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China";
(ii)Not included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement, the list of parties to major tax violation cases, or the list of records of serious illegal and dishonestacts in government procurement by "Credit China" , China Government Procurement Network ( ;
三、获取招标文件 3. Acquisition of Tender Documents:2009月1至2009月2,每天00:00:00-12:00:00,12:00:00-23:59:59(北京,法定节假日除外)
- 款 付款指导
- 续 老会员下载续费申请表
- 新 新会员下载会员申请表
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