一、项目基本情况 1. Basic Information 项目编号:************************ Project No.: ************************ 项目****网联汽车品牌打造及智驾运维服务 Project Name: Building intelligent connected vehicle brands and providing intelligent driving operation and maintenance services 预算编号:0024-W******** Budget No.: 0024-W******** 采购方式:竞争性磋商 Procurement method : competitive consultation 预算金额(元):********元(国库资金:0元;自筹资金:********元) Budget Amount(Yuan): ********(National Treasury Funds: 0 Yuan; Self-raised Funds: ******** Yuan) 最高限价(元):包1-********.00元 Maximum Price(Yuan): Package ******** for ********.00 Yuan, 采购需求: Procurement Requirements: 包****网联汽车品牌打造及智驾运维服务 Package Name: Building intelligent connected vehicle brands and providing intelligent driving operation and maintenance services 数量:1 Quantity: 1 预算金额(元):********.00 Budget Amount(Yuan): ********.00 简要规则描述:一是围****网联汽车品牌打造,提升产业吸引力,展现区域引领性****网联“会客厅”服务、公众号运营服务、品牌活动服务与联盟运营等服务;二是围****网联的运营拓展与管委会数据需求、产业配套需求的契合点,###市治理数据产品、出行保障数据产品、智驾车辆运维等服务。详见“第四章 采购需求”。 Brief Specification Description: The first is to revolve around the creation of the Lingang intelligent connected vehicle brand, enhance the industrial appeal, demonstrate regional leadership, and provide services such as an intelligent connected "living room", official account operation services, brand event services, and alliance operation services; the second is to revolve around the expansion of Lingang's intelligent connected operations and the intersection of the management committee's data needs and industrial supporting needs, providing urban governance data products, travel guarantee data products, intelligent driving vehicle operations, and other services. See "Chapter Four: Procurement Requirements" for details. 合同履约期限:自合同签订之日起一年。(具体以采购人要求为准) The Contract Period: One year from the date of signing the contract. (Specific time is subject to the requirements of the procuring entity) 本项目(否)接受联合体投标。 Joint Bids: (NO)Available. 二、申请人的资格要求 2. Qualification Requirements for Suppliers (a)满足《中华人民共和国政府采购法》第二十二条规定; (a)Meet the provisions of Article 22 of the "Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China"; (b)落实政府采购政策需满足的资格要求:本项目专门面向小型、微型企业采购。执行《政府采购促进中小企业发展管理办法》的通知财库〔2020〕46号、《关于进一步加大政府采购支持中小企业力度的通知》财库〔2022〕19号。本次采购若符合政府强制采购节能产品、鼓励环保产品、扶持福利企业、促进残疾人就业、支持中小微企业、支持监狱和戒毒企业等政策,将落实相关政策。 (b)Qualification requirements to be met to implement government procurement policies: This project is specifically aimed at procuring from small and micro enterprises. It implements the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Promoting the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Government Procurement (Cai Ku No. 46) and the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Further Increasing the Support for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Government Procurement (Cai Ku No. 19). If the procurement meets the policies of mandatory purchase of energy-saving products, encouragement of environmental protection products, support for welfare enterprises, promotion of employment for the disabled, support for small and medium-sized enterprises, and support for prison and drug rehabilitation enterprises, the relevant policies will be implemented. (c)本项目的特定资格要求:(1)供应商具有独立承担民事责任能力;(2)供应商在近三年内无行贿犯罪记录,未被政府采购监督管理部门禁止参加政府采购活动,同时未被列入 “****网站中失信被执行人、重大税收违法失信主体和中****网”(********)政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单的供应商(以报价截止之日前三年内的信用记录为准);(3)单位负责人为同一人或者存在直接控股、管理关系的不同供应商,参加同一合同项下的采购项目投标的,相关投标均无效;(4)符合###市政府购买服务管理办法》第七条规定;(5)本项目不允许联合体投标;(6)本项目不允许转包。 (c)Specific qualification requirements for this program: (1) The supplier has the ability to independently bear civil responsibilities; (2) The supplier has no record of bribery crimes in the past three years, has not been prohibited from participating in government procurement activities by the government procurement supervision and management department, and has not been listed as a dishonest被执行人, major tax violation失信主体on the "Credit China" website , or a supplier with serious illegal and失信behavior in government procurement on the "China Government Procurement Network" (********) (credit records within three years prior to the deadline for quotation shall prevail); (3) Different suppliers whose unit heads are the same person or have direct controlling or managing relationships shall not participate in the bidding of the same contract item, and related bids shall be invalid; (4) Comply with the provisions of Article 7 of the "Shanghai Government Purchase of Services Management Measures"; (5) Joint bids are no (i)符合《中华人民共和国政府采购法》第二十二条的规定; (i)Comply with the provisions of Article 22 of the"Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China"; (ii)未被“信用中国”、中****网(********)列入失信被执行人、重大税收违法案件当事人名单、政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单; (ii)Not included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement, the list of parties to major tax violation cases, or the list of records of serious illegal and dishonestacts in government procurement by "Credit China" , China Government Procurement Network (********) ;
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