Tendering Documents of pig for pressure testing of East African Crude Oil Pipeline EPC Project
一、招标条件Tendering Conditions
The project has implemented relevant procedures according to rules, regulations, and laws .as well as the capital has been confirmed. Now we hereby invite your esteemed company to participate in this bid. The tenderee is China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Company Ltd East African Crude Oil Pipeline EPC Project Department.
二、项目概况与招标范围 Project Overview and Tendering Scope
2.1项目概况:东非原油外输管道EPC项目起点于乌干达Tilenga CPF(联络线起点),止于坦桑尼亚 Tanga港,总长1539km,其中:干线1443km,联络线96km。乌干达境内392km, 坦桑尼亚境内1147km;全线泵站6座,减压站2座,阀室82座,电伴热站20座(与阀室合建17座,单独建设3座)。该项目业主为道达尔勘探开发公司(上游,联络线部分)与道达尔东非中游公司。计划工期为27个月。
East African Crude Oil Pipeline EPC Project starts from Tilenga CPF, Uganda (starting point of contact line) and ends at Tanga Port, Tanzania, with a total length of 1,539km, including 1,443km trunk line and 96km connection line. 392km in Uganda and 1147km in Tanzania; There are 6 pump stations, 2 decompression stations, 82 valve rooms and 20 electric tracing stations (17 jointly built with valve rooms and 3 separately built). The project is owned by Total E&P (upstream, link line) and Total East Non-Midstream. The planned construction period is 27 months.
2.2 招标范围:本次招标采购物资详见下表 Scope of Supply:
For the materials to be procured by the present Tendering, please refer to the table below.
S/N |
Material Description/Specification |
Main Technical Parameters |
Unit |
Quantity |
Remark |
A包 |
清管器 pig |
批lot |
1 |
坦桑尼亚Tanzania |
B包 |
清管器 pig |
批lot |
1 |
乌干达Uganda |
2.3 交货地点 Delivery place
RMB delivery price at Tianjin/Shanghai port (Including 13% VAT)
2.4 交货期 Delivery time
The supplier shall provide the shortest delivery time .
三、投标人资格要求 Bidder qualification requirement
3.1 本次招标 不接受 联合体投标。
Bids from joint venture are not accepted.
The Tenderer shall be a manufacturer who specified by owner and who possesses independent legal personality, has independence in law and finance and operates legally and shall take full responsibility to the goods and service.The bidder shall have independence in law and finance and operates legally and independent of the tenderer (tendering agency).
3.3 本次招标要求投标人须提供制造商 ISO相关体系认证(有效ISO9001、ISO14001,ISO18001/ISO45001证书)及相关企业资质(包括但不限于营业执照或注册证书等), 具有与本招标项目相应的供货能力。
The bidders should have ISO 9001 quality assurance system certification and enterprise qualification (including but not limited to business license or registration certificate, etc.), have the corresponding supply capacity for this bidding project.
提供 3 年度(2021-2023)财务报告,经会计师事务所或审计机构审计的财务会计报表(未完成2023年财务审计的可提供2020-2022年的财务审计报告),包括但不限于资产负债表、现金流量表、利润表和财务情况说明书(或报表附注)的复印件。不存在进入清算程序、被宣告破产或其他丧失履约能力的情形;成立日期晚于要求年份的,从成立年起计算。 Financial requirement: The bidder should provide financial reports for 3 years(2021-2023), including but not limited to balance sheets(If the financial audit for 2023 has not been completed, the financial audit report for 2020 to 2022 can be provided), cash flow statements, income statements and financial statements.The reports should be audited by accounting firms or institutions. The bidder should not be in the situation of bankrupt or unable to perform the contract; If the date of establishment is later than 2019, it shall be counted from the year of establishment.
3.5 信誉要求:Credit requirements(Applicable to Chinese Bidders):
The bidder has not been listed in the serious illegal and trust-breaking enterprises or trust-breaking enforcement list In the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity system and credit China website (www.creditchina.gov.cn)
Bidders ( manufacturers) have not experienced major quality and safety accidents in the past three years, and a commitment letter is required.
3.7要求提供近3年内类似产品有效业绩。Bidders shall provide similar performance of the latest 3 years.
四、招标文件的获取 Acquisition of Tendering Documents
招标文件售价200元/标包,售后不退。招标文件发售:2012月38:00:00 至 2025年1月 6 日23:59:59(北京,下同)。
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- 客服电话:010-6880 9590
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